Choosing the Right Energy Supplier

If you live in a state where energy is deregulated, you have a chance of cutting your monthly electricity bill by close to 20% by just changing the electricity supplier. While the idea of changing your electricity supplier might seem confusing and intimidating it all starts with finding the best or the right supplier in your area. There are some factors that you will consider when selecting your next supplier including their reputation, rate and the length of plan.

Supplier’s Reputation

There must be numerous suppliers in your area and just choosing one of them can feel overwhelming especially when some use deceptive marketing tactics. Others might be offering very low rates while they are not upfront with the hidden charges you have to pay. Some electricity company might take advantage of confusion. Do not fall for the schemes. Do your research and find supplier with the best reputation. You can easily do this by asking your friends and neighbors about their experience. You can also choose to read online reviews from previous clients.


The other factor to consider is the rate they offer you. It depends on whether you want a fixed or a variable rate. With fixed rate you pay a constant amount for each kilowatt hour until the end of your plan. The fixed rate is best for those people who use electricity a lot during peak hours. With fixed rate your bills will be stable making budgeting easier because you can easily predict the cost. On the other hand, with a variable rate the price of each kilowatt will vary depending in the market price. When the energy prices are up you pay more and save more when they are low.

The Length of the Plan

You will have the option of choosing between a 6, 12 and a 24-month plan. The length of plan you choose largely depends on your appetite for risk. If you sign a fixed rate 24 month plan and within the 24 months the energy pricesgo up higher than the rate you end up saving money. However, if the prices go down within the length of the plan you will be paying more. If you do not have an appetite for risk, it would be better to take a shorter length plan like for half a year.

Customer Service

Just like in any other service provider, customer service is always key. It is impossible not to have any kind of trouble during your engagements but how the company handles your issues can tell a lot about them. They should be committed to offering reliable services and to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. You can easily tell if you will be satisfied with a company’s customer service from your first engagements with them. The piece of advice a person can give you is to shop around for a company with the best rates and best customer service. Do not be afraid to ask around from others who have used the supplier.

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